Decided to enter?

     Well, welcome to the greatest John Travolta
fan-site on the web so far!

  Dedicated to one of the most talented men ever
  this site  tries to  present  in the best  way that
  possible John Travolta's  tremendous range, his
  unique  career, talents and  personality - all the
  things about  him  that  made  him not  only a
  respected actor, but also a very lovable person,
  an all-time adored star.

Some Comments:

  Download These Fonts <=right button, "save
  target as..." so you'll be able to view the headlines in
  the site in a much more beautiful way. Do it, it's just
  a small zip file!

  John Travolta, this site (created about the 18th of
  February, 2002) is a birthday gift for you! :) My dream

  is that you'll visit it one day. If u read it, please go to
the "about me" page...

  Fans, everything in this site is for you! No more "Don't
  steal my pics!" :) HOWEVER, if u want to use something
  for another web-page, put a link back here, cuz there
  are many exclusive things here (icons, "Grease" & "Pulp
  Fiction" stills, etc.)

    Contact me by email:
          or sign the guestbook with reviews, comments
                       suggestions, or just something to say...

 Last update on:
 January 4, 2003:
 The Midis and Computer icons on the Multimedia
 section will be back soon! I'm taking care of this!
 No other updates meanwhile... but i hope soon
 there will be more new pics.
   There's about 900 JT's pictures on this site!





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